Support Nineveh Press

Nineveh Press is passionate and dedicated to publish the works of both established and new and aspiring authors and to publish hitherto unpublished works.

Support Nineveh Press in their mission to publish books about Assyrian history, culture and language. If you enjoy the work of Nineveh Press, and would like to contribute to its future, please consider supporting Nineveh Press with a donation. This will go towards the costs of editing, translating, proofreading, design, printing and publishing books.

There are five great ways to support:

1. Spread the word. A free and much appreciated way to help me is to simply tell your friends about Nineveh Press and share my posts on social media (Instagram, Facebook and Twitter).

2. Make a small monthly pledge through Patreon. Patreon is a service made for this exact situation. Patreon is like an ongoing Kickstarter. It’s a way for people who love something to support it financially at whatever level they wish. You can click the button below to see the Nineveh Press page on Patreon.

3. Make a one-time contribution through PayPal. If monthly pledges aren’t your thing, a one-time contribution is great too. For those living in Sweden, please use Swish: 0704085728.

4. Check out my assortment of books. Buy a book or two. If you already have the books, then they’re a perfect gift to someone you like.

5. Sponsor a new book. Your name will be mentioned in the book itself and also on the Nineveh Press website. There are currently several unpublished works planned to be edited and published, including works of Yuhanon Dolabani, Abdelmasih Qarabashi, Naum Palak (Faik) and others. This sponsorship starts at $5,000. Please send me an email if you wish to sponsor a new book.

Thanks for your support!

Tomas Beth-Avdalla

Thank you!

Of those who financially have supported and continue to support me, I would of course like to mention them here:

Assyrian Foundation of America
Iraqi Christian Relief Council
Santakki Foundation 
E & J Invest AB
Adad Baranto
Ishak & Oraka Kangus
Yawsef Beth Turo
Josef Garis
Iskender De Basso
Aphrem and Nineveh Danha
Kara Hermez
Ninveh Albazi
Naremsin Temmuz
Mano Barmano
Alda Benjamen
Joseph Hermiz
Wilson Yonan
Nenos Damerchie
Samaria Hermiz
Monica Hormis
Ron Rihoo

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